Key Information

For Parents

Attendance and Punctuality

By law, all children of compulsory school age (5 to 18) must receive full-time education. Along with this you have the legal responsibility for making sure that your child attends on a regular basis. If they do not, parents will be contacted by the school office in the first instance and this will be followed up by the Local Authority via the Educational Welfare Officer if it continues or patterns of attendance occur.

Schools are open for 195 days per year, leaving 170 other days for leisure time. The Fen Rivers Academy, in line with Government legislation, is not allowed to authorise any leave of absence.

As parents you need to be aware that you may be breaking the law if your children take leave without permission. Guidance states that schools may agree “holiday leave” in two exceptional circumstances, such as:

  • For service personnel and other employees who are prevented from taking holidays outside term-time,  if the holiday will have minimal disruption to the pupil’s education.

  • When a family need to spend time together to support each other during or after a crisis or a close family occasion.

Norfolk County Council website will have further guidelines for Attendance.

  • Holidays which are taken for the following reasons are not authorised and are breaking the law.

  • Availability of cheap flights

  • Availability of the desired accommodation

  • Poor weather experienced in school holiday periods

  • Overlap with beginning or end of term.

To ensure the maximum possible attendance and punctuality of every student we will:

  • Inform parents immediately of any unauthorised absence

  • Work in close partnership with the Education Welfare Service, Social Workers, Police and Police Community Support Officers and the Vulnerable Pupil Attendance Lead

  • Recognise the external factors which impact on student attendance, and work in partnership with parents and the Education Welfare Officers to address difficulties

We hope that you will support our efforts to improve the achievement and learning of your child by:

  • Ensuring that The Fen Rivers Academy is notified of any absence by telephone that morning before the start of the school day, preferably before 9am.

  • Informing The Fen Rivers Academy immediately if your child is unwell or unable to attend for any reason on each day of illness.

  • Encouraging your child to arrive on time and prepared for learning.

All children, regardless of their circumstances, are entitled to an efficient, full time education which is suitable to their age, ability, aptitude and any special educational needs they may have. 

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s current attendance and are aware of circumstances that may be impacting on their attendance, please contact the Headteacher at


The Fen Rivers Academy lunches are supplied fresh to us by a local catering company Classic Catering each day.

Referrals and Admissions

Pupils attending the academy have a statement of special educational needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan which names the school. A special school placement may also be made by a Local Authority following an Annual Review of an Education, Health and Care Plan. Changes in the Special Educational Needs and provision requirements for the child or young person may indicate the appropriateness of a special school placement.

Children without an EHCP or statement of SEN may also be admitted for the purposes of a local authority undertaking an EHC needs assessment or where the child’s circumstances have changed and the local authority is undertaking an assessment of the child’s needs.

The Fen Rivers Academy is committed to equal opportunities and will admit pupils/students across the full spectrum of academic abilities. All pupils/students have equal access to the curriculum.

See Norfolk County Council School Admissions Page

School Uniform

You can purchase your child’s school uniform via the following link:

School Uniform

For any questions, please get in touch.


Learners living in Norfolk may be eligible for free travel assistance to the Academy, in line with the County Council’s home to school and college transport policy. If eligible, any travel assistance would be arranged by the Local Authority.

There is on-site car parking with priority given to car sharing. The Academy will have a dedicated drop off zone within its grounds and will support sustainable travel initiatives with staff encouraged to arrive by public transport wherever possible. For those staff and learners who are able to travel by cycle, onsite storage facilities will be provided. The Fen Rivers Academy will support learners from across the West Norfolk district and the premises in Kilhams Way have been selected as a suitable location for the academy as it is a former school site with good access and pupils have historically been dropped off and collected there.

Mental Health

“You guys are amazing, scored 93%, clearly understand the impact of mental health and wellbeing on children and young people, I wish more schools had the same ethos and attitudes you do.”
Feedback from our Mental Health audit conducted by the MHST, June 2024


The Parents’ Guide to Teenage Anxiety and Stress 2022-2023 – download here

In small doses, stress can be a great motivator, helping us get things done. The problems set in when we experience high levels of stress over extended periods of time. That can be damaging, both to mental and physical health. Parents can’t banish stress from their teen’s life, but they can give them the tools to build resilience enabling them to bounce back.


The Parents’ Guide to Teenage anxiety and stress covers:

  • How to spot the signs of anxiety and stress
  • Ways to help right away
  • Long term strategies to build their resilience
  • Coping with rejection
  • Encouraging healthy routines
  • Looking after the basics
  • Habits that can make stress worse
  • Where and when to get help and support, including an A-Z of some of the best charities that support mental wellbeing.

Parenting Children with Mental Health Struggles – Support for Parents

Home – Parenting Mental Health – click link for the external website to find out more

Student Mental Health and Well-being at school

National Online Safety

National Online Safety (NOS) School Certificate

On the 27th of July 2022, The Fen Rivers Academy successfully, for the second year in a row, achieved Certified School Status showing their school commitment to online safety.

NWG The Marie Collins Foundation – Sexual Abuse Online

In this booklet, parents can find information about what online harm is and ways you can effectively help and support your children.

Information for Parents and Carers – Useful Links
National Online Safety Useful Documents