Mental Health and Wellbeing

At school

What is Mental Health Stigma?

Useful Links

Anna Freud: On my Mind

On My Mind aims to empower young people to make informed choices about their mental health and wellbeing. These pages have been co-produced by young people to help other young people.

Self Help Leaflets

Please find below some useful Self Help Leaflets promoted across the academy. We are proud to learn with the children on topics that interest them, educate them or impact them.

Bereavement and loss

At The Fen Rivers Academy we understand that bereavement is an experience which is likely to be faced by all members of our school community at some point. We appreciate that there will be significant challenges when the loss is of a member of our school community, a child or staff member. Pupils will need to be supported when they experience family bereavements and other significant losses during their lives.

The Fen Rivers Academy  is committed to the emotional health and well-being of its staff and pupils. We are dedicated to the continual development of a ‘healthy school’. We wish to work towards this in all aspects of school life, and to provide an ethos, environment and curriculum that supports and prepares pupils for coping with separation or loss of a loved one, either through death, divorce or separation.

Following a Bereavement:

We believe that children and adults alike have the right to:

  • be given space and time to grieve
  • be given or signposted to support from whichever source is deemed the most appropriate – if
  • possible, of their own choice.
  • encounter a caring environment in which they feel safe to demonstrate grief without fear of judgement.

We recognise that:

  • grief may not always be apparent to the onlooker, but its invisibility makes it no less real.
  • differing religions/cultures view death and bereavement from different perspectives and all viewpoints should be taken into consideration and given equal value in the school environment.
  • the death of a child has huge repercussions beyond the immediate teaching/care team of that child and every effort should be taken to inform and deal sensitively with the far-reaching contacts.

The following information is taken from Winston Wish website in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Although COVID-19 is a shocking new situation, our general guidance on talking to children about the death of someone close holds true. Put simply this would be:

  • Use simple, direct language appropriate to their level of understanding

  • Use the terms ‘died’, ‘dead’, and ‘death’ – euphemisms such as ‘we’ve lost Grandpa’ or ‘Grandma has gone to another place’ are confusing. Children are helped to understand by hearing the language that fits this new experience

  • Keep children informed about what has happened and what will happen (e.g. about the funeral)

  • Check how much they have understood

  • Answer questions openly. If you don’t know an answer, say you will find out and come back to them. If you feel the answer is too difficult for them to hear, explain that honestly

  • Repeat explanations more than once

  • Reassure them that they are not to blame

  • Allow and encourage the safe sharing of feelings and thoughts

  • Listen to their feelings, worries, memories


The Winston’s Wish Helpline is continuing to operate during this period and can offer guidance, support and information, call 08088 020 021.