
The Bridge is a major provider of professional development in the UK in the field of education, both special and mainstream, holding a reputation particularly in the fields of Learning Difficulties and Disabilities (LDD). An ‘outstanding’ National Teaching School between 2011 – 2021, The Bridge has been delivering courses within its Training & Development Centre and designing bespoke programmes since 1997.

Our ambition is not to dictate best practice but to explore, innovate, evidence and to share. We look to do this by working in partnership with individuals who can share their perspectives, implementing models and programmes that meet the progression needs of the child as well as the adult.

We establish need through local and national agenda, through research and also respond to identified areas of individual priority. This enables us to maintain an appropriate range of programmes, from Introduction to Professional. We are sensitive to all the views of the market, evaluating especially in terms of quality and impact, adjusting both the content of courses in response to the market and also the style of delivery as appropriate.

This year we are offering a combination of face-to-face one day courses alongside online bitesize twilights! All courses are also available for a bespoke delivery at your school setting.


  • An enlightening perspective on SEND and neurodiversity


    An excellent session that has really made me think differently about how we support pupils.

    An Introduction to Neurodiversity: universal approaches for universal needs
  • Great insight into the world of someone with autism.


    Helps you too bring all the good practice you know to the forefront.

    AET Good Autism Practice
  • I found the session incredibly helpful.  It was delivered sensitively and thoughtfully, with lots of information including practical applications.

    Supporting & Managing Behaviour
  • The facilitator was excellent…in explanations, examples and discussions.  I felt engaged and comfortable at all times.

    Supporting pupils with SEMH difficulties
  • Informative, structured and well presented. Excellent pace and understanding of the topic with useful resources and case studies.

    Teaching Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) in the special needs class
  • It has been immensely helpful to have a shared framework and language to use with my colleagues.

    An Introduction to Neurodiversity: universal approaches to universal needs
  • Highly-inspiring and engaging training, …including tips and advice that are easy to embed in teaching drama practice!

    Teaching Literacy and Communication in the Special Needs Class
  • Really inspiring day – lots to think about.


    Extremely informative and offers hope for inclusivity.

    AET Good Autism Practice
  • The combination of info, case studies and practical resources including curriculum has just been so helpful.

    Teaching Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) in the special needs class
  • Informative and useful training with helpful strategies for the classroom.


    Excellent, comprehensive training.

    Supporting & Managing Behaviour
  • ….a huge thank you for the training. I came away so inspired and encouraged. I tried out some of your ideas the very next day in our Phonics and DT lessons and was amazed by how motivated and hardworking the children have been.

    An Introduction to Neurodiversity: universal approaches to universal needs

Booking Procedures

Course costs

One day course: £195 per delegate
Online twilight (3hrs/ 2 x 90mins): £95 per delegate

Booking Requirements

To secure a place on one of our courses, we require the following information at the point of booking:

Delegate name
Delegate Job title
Delegate email address
School name and address
Invoicing email address
Purchase Order number (if available)

Booking terms and conditions

All bookings to be made in writing via email to
Fees for non attendance are non-refundable
Cancellations made one month prior to the course do not incur a charge. Cancellations made between 2 – 4 weeks before the course incur a 25% cancellation charge. Cancellations made between 1 – 2weeks before the course incur 50% cancellation charge. Cancellations made within one week of the course incur 100% of the event/training charge.
All cancellations must be made in writing.
Replacement delegates may be nominated in writing at any time prior to the start of the event.


Voucher Scheme

Substantial savings are available through our voucher scheme for schools wishing to send multiple colleagues on courses between September 2024 and July 2025.

20 vouchers at £2000
(equivalent of £100.00 per place)

10 vouchers at £1250
(equivalent of £125.00 per place)

5 vouchers at £750
(equivalent of £150.00 per place)

Voucher Scheme Terms and Conditions

Vouchers can be used on one-day courses (not including Team Teach) by different members of staff from the same school (or nominated schools within an Academy Trust) between September 2024 and July 2025, or for one year from purchase date.
The full voucher price must be paid in full at the commencement of the agreement.
Vouchers remain valid only for one year from date of purchase.
Cancellations made one month prior to the course will not forfeit a voucher. Cancellations made less than a month prior to the course will forfeit a voucher place.
Fees for non attendance are non-refundable.
All cancellations must be made in writing.
Replacement delegates may be nominated in writing at any time prior to the start of the event.