At Fen Rivers Academy, we respect the rights of our community and fundamental British values of democracy, ensuring the views and opinions of students are expressed. At the beginning of September, the students elect school council members from each year group. All pupils are invited to stand as School Council representatives and are voted for fairly and democratically by their peers. There is opportunities to be extended Council each term. The School Council meets every month to discuss issues raised by the children and ideas to help improve our school even further. We believe our School Council are very effective in helping bring about positive changes in the life of our school!
Some key discussions from this academic year:
If you have any ideas or suggestions to help improve our school, please see your class council reps, who will bring your suggestions to the school council meeting.
Vote For Schools provides weekly discussions and resources across the UK, aiming to promote impartial discussions on challenging current issues. It is an integral part of personal development at Fen Rivers Academy. Students voice in lessons, including their vote, contribute to national feedback and sharing of views from our community. Vote For Schools ensures that student voices are heard and have an impact.