All students access accredited work related learning and employability skills delivered both on and off-site by Bridge School staff and external partners. Sixth form students have opportunities for ‘real world’ work experience in a range of charities and other organisations depending on ability and level of independence.
Destinations of 2019 leavers:
Qualifications gained by 2019 leavers:
Information is shared with parents at parents evenings, Annual Reviews, coffee mornings and transition workshops. Teachers are able to access training on accreditation pathways such as ASDAN, AQA and OCR during staff training and external CPD. We develop links with local employers who are able to visit the school to meet staff and students and then offer a bespoke work experience programme where appropriate. Current placements include a local charity shop and Islington Council.
Careers Leader – Joanna Kurylowicz
The Bridge London Secondary, 28 Carleton Road, N7 0EQ